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Judith Horvath Regenerative Farmer & Ag Consultant

About Judith Horvath

Judith holds an MBA in Operations Management and has 25+ years of experience in service operations and executive leadership in multinational companies. She also brings 20 years of homesteading and direct farming experience to your benefit. She teaches skills, connects mentors and mentees, and distills complex topics into management practice rules or design projects, depending on your goals. She is adept at identifying your goals, examining resources, doing research, and helping you achieve your desired outputs and products on your desired timeline. She puts it into a succinct roadmap to success with multiyear goals, and even helps define milestones and areas of exposure to risk. Her CV can be found here:

The Journey and Mission

I started as a business exec and health-conscious organic gardener/DIY-er till I was busted for having illegal backyard chickens in suburbia. With my husband and kids along for the ride, we went all-in, starting our own family farm in Central Ohio in 2013.
During the pandemic, the future became crystal clear. I quit corporate life for full time farming. It's been a long journey of faith to get here. I am continuously amazed to see God's hand in synchronicities I've experienced with others and events. 


My mission: building and growing resilient, sustainable healthy local food supply networks of the future through permaculture design methodologies.


I do public outreach through workshops and public speaking. I entertain, educate and encourage the next generation of successful regenerative farmers and ranchers, writing articles, doing appearances, and hosting the Fair Hill Farmstead Life Podcast.  

I work with commercial clients on regenerative ag projects such as farm startups, designing the central farms in agrihoods, and conventional farm reclamations. Agrihoods and master planned communities of farmsteads in particular offer an exciting path forward for society. I envision a future where communities can be more resilient, cultivating robust local economies, and reconnecting with food through participating in the process of growing and raising it.


It's high time that people in regenerative agriculture earn a living wage. 


For new and aspiring regenerative farmers, I offer mentorship and support needed thru the process of making this huge life change. Again and again I've been told that the concrete actions of skill acquisition, growing one's own food, and creating a resilient, abundant life has resulted in far superior quality of life for these families.

It's deeply rewarding to see this happen.


I have been blessed with stellar clients of like mindset and many of the same faith. Today I help them to be successful right out of the gate. 


Over the years I've come to understand that reaching proficiency in farming takes time, yet it can happen no matter the starting point. Through planned steady progress, we have come to keep hair sheep, dairy goats, heritage turkeys and heritage poultry. We sell designer daylilies, flowers, herbs, produce, fruit, raw goat milk shampoo bars, soaps, and pasture raised meats and eggs and top quality breeding stock. Everything is grown, raised, or produced with earth stewardship in mind for future generations using permaculture design principles and soil-building methods, on-farm composting, and beyond-organic gardening practices.


I'll leave you with this: If you want to homestead, you can do that wherever you live. If you ever wanted to farm, do it. Now is the time, no matter your age.


The sustainable food system of tomorrow needs your participation today. 



Guiding Principles


Resilience, gratitude, community, and ecological regeneration are the guiding principles at Fair Hill Farm, since 2013. Eat what you grow. Share knowledge. Pay it forward. 

            Let's talk about how to build something amazing today.   

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