Featured in Columbus CEO Magazine, Summer 2024
Farm life: lessons, confessions, joys & tales of the strange
My hands and cover story of Acreage Life July 2024. Talking soil health & tips
Youth crave meaningfulness. Provide them with opportunity to experience it.
Synchronicity strikes like lightning bolts.
Turning the farming energy up to an 11... Homesteaders of America Conference 2023 edition:
Watch this Free 90-Minute Intro to Sheep Course here
Why Harvest Feels like Christmas in my Heart
Published Again: How We Are Helping To Create A Resilient Food Supply Chain
Published in Medium: 5 Things To Create A Successful Career In The Farming & Agriculture Industries
The struggle of raising animals, with love, for the slaughter
A transformative life change - from business suit to Carhartts.
Teaching to Engaged Crowds at a Homesteading Event
Ode to the "Training Wheel" Sheep
Motion Sickness From the Milk Production Seesaw of Life
Apparently We've got Coywolves
When Your Llama Hates You...
Field Day at a friend's sheep and flower farm
I have a daylily problem. And I'm not about to fix it
Mini Potbelly Pigs and Icie x Katahdin cross lambs
Black Vultures