An Interview With Martita Mestey
Life In The World’s Breadbasket: Judith Horvath of Fair Hill Farm in Lancaster, Ohio On 5 Things You Need To Create A Successful Career In The Farming and Agriculture Industries
You will need Mentors, partners, and contacts IN YOUR FARMING COMMUNITY. Establish these. Success can take decades without these unless you have a coach/mentor or can purchase a pre-established farm business. Without the help of others, you don’t even know what you don’t know. The learning curve is steep, and very expensive. Network with the competition, make alliances, diversify your product if you need to so that you don’t compete directly. Lower your competition shield. There are enough customers to go around. Allies and partners are in shorter supply.
The war in Ukraine and catastrophic climate events have caused a global food crisis. This has highlighted the central role that the farming and agricultural industries play in sustaining society as we know it. In particular, it has highlighted the US Agricultural industry, and its role as the “Breadbasket of The World.” So what does it take to create a successful career for someone looking to enter the farming or agriculture industries? In this interview series, we are talking to leaders or principals in the farming and Ag industries who can talk about the future of modern farming and what it takes to create a successful career in the farming and agriculture industries. As a part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Judith Horvath.
She started as a business executive who was busted for illegal backyard chickens, and today she teaches aspiring farmers. Through a career of executive operations management, Judith simultaneously maintained a “second life” in the growing movements of sustainable agriculture, organic produce, and farm-to-table direct models for local food supply chains via small farms. She is the founder and owner of Fair Hill Farm LLC, a working farm in central Ohio where she raises hair sheep, dairy goats, and other heritage breed livestock. When global events laid bare our food supply chain fragility, Judith left corporate life to concentrate solely to small-scale livestock operations, with the goal of helping first-generation farmers and professionals enter agriculture and start farming with no prior knowledge. She guides her mentees and clients, sidestepping avoidable errors, saves them money, and helps them gain education necessary for success when transitioning to a farm lifestyle. Today she is actively helping coaching and launching a new modern generation of small farmers.
Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Before we dig in, our readers would like to get to know you a bit more. Can you tell us a bit about your “backstory”? What led you to this particular career path?
Hi, and thanks for having me, I love the curiosity and support for people entering farming via the new models of earth-friendly, sustainable agriculture, it’s my passion in life. I’ve always been a nature-lover and gardener. When my kids were toddlers, they were diagnosed with some pretty serious allergies to food additives. I learned to ‘decode’ food ingredient labels and cook from scratch. I learned what is really in commercially produced grocery store food and where ingredients come from. Over time, this grew into passion for quality ingredients, including vegetables and grains grown in sustainable, local, earth-friendly ways, and of course humanely raised meats. We lived in a suburb of Columbus Ohio. I transformed the backyard into a huge organic garden and we added illegal backyard chickens. Eventually we got busted by the homeowners association. My husband and I sort of looked at each other and said, ‘yeah, this isn’t just a phase. It’s time to commit.’ and we bought a farm.
Neither of us had generational knowledge to draw upon, and we settled on grassfed meat and poultry and eggs operation with a few fruit trees and a big organic garden. We were in over our heads and wasted so much money, all because we didn’t even know what we didn’t know! Our new farmer neighbors regarded us with curious amusement since we had all these ‘boutique newfangled ideas’ on farming and the heritage livestock we kept. None of them had seen Icelandic sheep before, or a heritage turkey. They were polite and welcoming, but different ideas. It was like being in the wilderness on our dream farm even though we were surrounded by other farms. Our families watched us with what felt like a mix of disappointment and bewilderment, telling us they just didn’t understand why we did so much labor when they just went to the grocery store. Meanwhile they ate factory farmed produce and meats.
Slowly things started going right through networking, online ‘farming school’ with alternative agriculture educational institutes across the US and Canada. I read everything I could get my hands on, some dated back before WWII! I watched every rotational grazing, soil science, and sustainable farming video I could find. And slowly… things started to click. Our own ‘farmiverse’ took shape. We were profitable enough to pay the property taxes. We kept investing and kept growing. Then COVID hit. The world had this ‘eureka’ moment where people saw food doesn’t automagically come from the store. It was a game changer. Customers came looking for local lamb, milk, turkey, and eggs. Suburban chickens became hotter than ever. People wanted to meet their farmer. I was peppered with questions about backyard chickens, and it was easy for us to relate to their worldview in a way that multigenerational farmers just couldn’t. And suddenly, right there, my future was staring me in the face. And now this movement is moving really fast.
Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began this fascinating career?
(Laughing) It is all one big interesting adventure really. I have a litany of bizarre veterinary things and astonishing experiences that some might find shocking but it’s part of the all-in lifestyle. It’s also full of surprising and sweet things. I was still working corporate full time and it was during the lockdowns. I was finishing a conference call and thru the window spied a stuck lamb protruding from the back end of a ewe out in the front field. This happened right at the start of my lunch hour. “WOW I thought. Amazing timing.” As I zipped up my Carhartt bibs over my business attire top I trotted out to the sheep enclosure with my birthing kit. I surveyed the situation, gloved up, straightened a leg on the lamb, straightened the nose, gave a small pull, and zoop! Baby was born easily. It was a HUGE single lamb that had been stuck, and the first lamb I’d ever pulled. I felt like a rockstar. I dipped the umbilical cord in iodine, gave the baby and mom some vitamin gel, saw baby up and nursing, went inside. End to end it was 35 minutes. I washed up and had time for a quick lunch before my team meeting. In the pandemic people loved to hear about happy things like cute baby animals, so I shared pics and the story with my colleagues. Smiles around.
The next day, I headed down to the barn during lunch hour. I arrived right as twins had been born and momma was attending them. They were still wet and wobbly, it was amazing. More vitamins. More pics. Straw in my hair for the next zoom call. And yes. More happy faces on the afternoon call. The wonder of birth had me flying high.
Then, a third day. Yep. More uncomplicated lunchtime arrivals. Trifecta! I couldn’t believe it. More straw in my hair and my heart was overflowing. I knew it was sheer luck never to be repeated — but it happened! Everyone was thrilled again. I was able to show videos of all five new babies zooming around and bouncing and playing together. My colleagues LOVED it, the women were going crazy, overwhelmed with cuteness. They asked me to send videos to them to share with their own families. What an experience!
One week later we had an online team building event. When people begged me to bring a lamb to the meeting I did! My stories that week made a different life accessible to them. If I had been in the office, it would have been totally different, probably an animal would have died and I would have not been able to share that joy. That was when I knew I could never return to the corporate cubicle life.
You are a successful leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?
First is Curiosity — I take time to observe and spend time just sensing. I’m dedicated to staying flexible and be willing to admit I’m wrong every day because I spent the first half of my life totally unaware of how something as basic as food was really produced, and what it contained. This humbling journey keeps me open minded, curious about advancements and new knowledge, and it’s enabled me to incorporate the newest scientific research into my farming. Curiosity like this causes me to look deeper into the “study finds” headlines. What about the funding, methods, and controls? Who funded this study? Curiosity has enabled me to sidestep fads, errors and worse. In farming, curiosity is key and enables one to connect dots. Yes, mishap is the greatest teacher but if we don’t get curious, we miss opportunity to identify cause-effect of patterns. Any farmer who loses curiosity is stagnant.
Second is Grit — If you’re getting into farming and you don’t have grit, develop it or fail. The learning curve is a steep but rewarding, and sometimes it’s hard not to feel discouraged. That’s why grit is important. I mentioned at the beginning that my husband and I made outlandish blunders for about 4 years. They are big blows to the ego. Human errors aside, successful livestock farming can be a bit like playing poker with Mother Nature. That requires acceptance that success or failure can be beyond my control to a certain extent, yet I choose to persist in my endeavors because it’s something I believe in so deeply. That’s a different kind of grit that pays dividends through life. And thus far, we’ve been blessed with continuous growth and success. Which brings us to the next key trait that has contributed to my success, gratitude.
Third is Gratitude — I firmly believe that it’s possible to draw one’s future to yourself through gratitude. Since I’ve moved into farming, gratitude is something that I’ve found spontaneously growing inside me. It has changed my personal energy, my outlook, and even led to different perspective and decisions in life. In many ways it’s made me gentler and stronger, which has made me a better farmer. I’m grateful for weather events or sometimes when they pass us by. In cubicle-ville, weather was something that happened outside. I never gave it a second thought. Let’s look at an example of very basic gratitude. This year, most of my beloved heirloom tomato plants failed. But for the first year ever, I had fabulous peppers and peaches; past years had been mediocre to poor. My gratitude for my success (finally!) combined with my failure in a historically strong area led to a break in my patterns; it made me comfortable to take a risk and do things differently; so I did late-season planting and ended up with a huge crop of late beans, peas, radishes, and chard! Instead of focusing my ire on the weather or beating myself up over some errors that I made in my compost recipe, I had gratitude for lessons learned, and I am excited for next growing season. My gratitude for the life’s ebbs and flows enables me to see the beauty of the process without trying to force outcomes. Huge energy shift.
Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?
“Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime.”
I went from being a consumer to learning how to produce for our own, and more. Today we are not only feeding other families but teaching them how to establish their own farm lifestyle which in turn reconnects a new generation of people with where their food comes from and earth itself. It’s a virtuous cycle. It reduces demand on supply chains, contributes to the local economy, saves energy, conserves water, and builds soil. It is scalable, fulfilling, healthy, and gentle. It is the deep purpose to my life’s work.
Ok super. Let’s now shift to the main part of our discussion about the farming industry. The idea of farming has a very romantic and idyllic character to it, especially to some people living in a busy cosmopolitan context. Do you think now would be a good time for younger people with no farming history to get involved in the farming industry? Can you explain what you mean?
YES it’s exactly the right time! There a massive demographic retirement and die-off of conventional farmers, and this creates a serious social problem. At the same time, we live so much in a virtual electronic world, that a certain subset wishes for an occupation that’s more physical, more connected with the earth in a meaningful way. Farming opens a different set of options in life than office jobs or other trades, a new path for a new generation.
At the same time, there are urbanites who desire a more peaceful home life. So of course, younger generations look at farming as a new frontier of a modern life in tune with nature, harnessing technology which is native to them, and It’s not only appealing, but it’s full of opportunity for profit and fulfillment! Most youth I’ve met who are interested in farming are those who are attuned to the greater picture and are determined to have a more concrete connection with the means of food production, regardless of reason. They generally detest corporate corruption, and they want to “opt out” of the traditional corporate career path. They might be urban farmers, or even pioneers in new areas of hemp/cannabis, aquaponics, vertical gardening, and mushroom cultivation.
We need more farmers, and it’s critical to keep new entrants from giving up. The stakes are higher than ever, and it’s becoming very vogue for youth to go into farming. Today, climate change, the insect apocalypse, energy shortages, and the global food situation are all hot topics and wicked problems. It’s not all doom and gloom though — 20 years ago, farming was scorned. Today, celebrities and billionaires are buying farms, trying their hand at it, and talking about the challenge and inner peace they experienced. We need more farmers, period. Who better than the youth with their aspirations, creativity, new energy and love of technology? Yes, now is definitely the right time.
Where should a young person start if they would like to “get into” farming? First of all, any young person who is even lightly considering it — bravo. Welcome! There is a place for you, so please explore the possibilities! Farming is a single word that encompasses a HUGE set of options, though. I recommend you follow a process of self-examination, tours, networking, jobhunting and learning! For self-examination, ask yourself these questions first:
What kind of farming speaks to your soul? Animals, plants, something else? Why?
Where do you wish to live and work? Rural, suburban, or urban environment? Why?
How open are you to doing something that only 2% of the population does for a living and doesn’t really understand? Are you prepared to be doing something that’s really misunderstood by most of the population?
How do you feel about being in a job where no two days are the same? Excited? Intimidated? Why?
How do you feel about spending your days engaged in physical activity, movement, and in a non-office, natural environment that is out in the weather, such as pastures, fields, and greenhouses?
How do you feel about working a job where you may be with just a few other people or even alone?
How would you enjoy work that changes with seasons in a long slow cycle?
How enthusiastic are you about learning new things, every day, from multiple sources and experiences?
Are you good at solving problems, fixing things, designing solutions/hacks, noticing small things, building things, and repurposing/recycling/reusing objects?
Are you passionate about the earth, climate, environment, clean water, clean food, soil health, quality of life for animals, natural pest control, and chemical-input-free fruits and vegetables?
Depending on how you answered these questions, you should have a good idea of the kind of farming that you are naturally drawn to — these are your areas of interest. For example, if you love being outdoors and you love small animals, science, and cheesemaking, you might be suited for a dairy goat farm with a creamery attached to it. If you’re passionate about produce in urban environments, you might be suited for aquaponics or vertical farming. Maybe you love big equipment, soil, native grasses and clean water. You could be a great hay farmer. If you’re into animals and considered being a veterinarian, you might be suited for a rotational grazing operation. If you’re a vegan city girl, find a local urban farm that raises mushrooms and microgreens! Marijuana and hemp are very mainstream now, with lots of opportunities. Now it’s time to start talking with growers and processors. This is all farming. Identify what speaks to your soul. Sample the foods to connect with your future. Do taste tests based on your area of interest. For example, If you are interested in eggs, buy the cheapest cheap from Wal-Mart and a dozen pasture raised egg from a rotational grazing outfit at your local farmers’ market. Do a side-by-side scientific taste test. Look at the color. Scramble them the same way. Start to connect with good clean healthy food. Look at the products that you see in the store. You’re learning the lingo and starting to read ingredients. Develop that discernment. Check your expectations at the door and your food hang-ups too. It will enable you to start understanding the difference and experiencing the full wonder of clean food. Fair warning: if you are a foodie, your life will never be the same. It is simply not possible to be excited for cheap factory farm food after you’ve done this. You’re welcome. Now it’s time to team up with local connections, get some mentors, and get farm-networking. Ask for some tours and hear from the farmers directly what their work is like. Ask a farmer, not the internet! Frequent local farmers markets. Then you have a local contact — start your networking there! Many farms don’t have websites, just social media pages, but they’re all required to have contact info on their labels, so this is a good thing! After you’ve tried their foods, contact them and connect. Internships are a great way to try things out, so be open to the learning more than the pay, at least at the beginning. This is the way to find your tribe and start a career in farming!
Visit as many farms as you can to determine if it might be the life you want. Be honest with the farmer(s) and tell them what you’re interested in and why. They will know of local job opportunities. You can visit, a website that enables you to locate all kinds of resources. Their “links” section has info on publications, programs to help young farmers get into farming, videos, documentaries, and directories of small local farmers. If you are interested in getting into grassfed livestock and meats production, the Stockman Grassfarmer is a publication that serves as the center of activity in this community. If you are looking for jobs and internships in agriculture, you will need to search. One nice website for national level searches is where you can set filters for target searching. If you’re young enough or really dedicated enough, you might decide to enroll in an agricultural school. And while this is great, it’s not necessary. If you are going into a highly regulated or highly technical area of agriculture, (CBD or Marijuana/Cannabis processing and extractions for example) be aware that this may boost your career and open internship opportunities through research grants, in ways that you might otherwise not find. If you don’t want to enroll in a complete curriculum, there are workshops, classes, and certificate programs available. Good luck and don’t give up till you find your niche!
With greater attention being placed on the importance of the farming and Ag industries, what do you predict will be different about the farming and Ag sectors, over the next ten years?
I expect, and hope, there will more small farms. Supply chain issues can be offset with local producers, and they will deliver if they have customers! This means more technological advancements that connect farmers and customers. Small farmers will get better at logistics, customer service, and more. I believe there will be more people enrolling in CSAs, or Community Support Agriculture projects, which are sort of like a seasonal farm produce, meat, egg, or dairy membership where the farmer gets paid at the beginning of the season to grow things for members. Members then take weekly deliveries of their portion of the farm’s yield. In farming itself, I believe methods will shift away from monoculture factory farms (meat and crops both) to sustainable operations.
Soil building through rotational grazing meat animals on pasture. I believe the shift will being through meats as grassfed livestock operations start to gain traction through public awareness. New emphasis today on rotational grazing is totally different. These operations build topsoil soil by adding organic matter back into the soil. Yes, the product is meat, but these farmers are truly grass farmers, building soil. Today’s new farmers also grow goats and sheep, who are much lower water consumption, more efficient in weight gain, grow faster, and eat more kinds of forage, and reproduce faster. If you’ve started to see ‘cabrito’ or goat meat, or lamb in the supermarket, this is just the beginning. Americans are starting to experience other-than-beef meat, and it’s catching on fast. And, it ties in directly to the grain farming industry.
Less grain farming. Interestingly, grain production is a huge part of factory farming today in the USA, and most of it is done in order to feed CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation) animals. Think feedlot beef, housed meat chickens, massive buildings for egg production, etc. My hope is that as meat production shifts away from CAFO animals to all rotationally grazed grass-finished operations, that land that was monoculture factory grain farms can be returned to grazing land or repurposed to other soil-rebuilding methods of growing more diverse heirloom crops.
Putting it together: meat animals and grains farming changes for soil health, climate, and WATER conservation.
I hope for focus on soil-building means carbon sequestration via hooved animals on grass. It also means less water consumption and less grain inputs. With less grain, there is less chemical fertilizers necessary overall because the meat animals will not be grain-fed, but grass-fed. Grain production is tremendously taxing on the soil as it depletes organic matter, which in turn makes the land less drought resistant. When land is plowed or grain is harvested, the machines create dust clouds that carry away soil. Grain fields continuously farmed for decades have noticeable subsidence. The topsoil is gone and nutrient-poor subsoil remains. This is visible where these fields abut back yards and roadsides.
The damage is entirely reversible though. When soil is improved by adding 1% overall more organic matter into the top 12 inches of soil (usually done through rotational grazing of herbivores), each acre can hold an additional 16,500 gallons of water PER ACRE! That is huge water retention instead of erosion. This means drought resilience. Aquifer replenishment. It changes the water vapor — carbon cycle — climate impact. Thus, organic matter in soil directly protects food production during times of drought. Whereas rotational grazing and soil replenishment is sustainable, soil depletion and increased dependence on chemical input is not.
As a species, we need to adapt or starve because the earth is not infinite. The good news is, we have the means today. This is why I expect agriculture will shift massively over the next ten years. It is exciting. Historically, passenger pigeon flocks that took days to pass and blotted out the sun. Herds of bison that took days to pass. The soils can sustain those volumes of animals. Imagine the earth, with replenished organic matter rich soils, once again capable of so much more than today. We can return soil to that productivity and feed humans in a more earth friendly way by working with our flora and fauna. Our youth today, entering farming, has the ability to make a difference by starting their farms with this earth-friendly paradigm in mind.
I am very passionate about trying to help minorities to become more engaged in gardening and urban farming. What do you think can be done to engage more minorities and people of color in the farming and Ag industries?
There is a lot of ethnic minorities joining, in all different capacities. Statistically speaking, there are fewer minorities living in rural areas. No matter; urban farming is an area of TREMENDOUS promise, and very underserved in the necessary growth cities require. Urban farming enables ethnic communities to continue to honor their culture and heritage by producing special ingredients through urban gardening, vertical gardening, aquaponics, hydroponics, microgreens, and offers the option for growing ethnically important heirloom produce in very small spaces that will serve the local communities. This can be in any area, any climate. It’s all possible.
Beyond ethnic diversity though, farming offers future promise to other subsets of society who are otherwise left behind to struggle. Youth with troubled past or those who have challenges in formal education from language barriers or other struggles — these persons can be highly successful in the kinds of hands-on real learning necessary for farming and agriculture. I’ve met so many youth who struggle in traditional classrooms due to neurodivergence (Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, Dyslexia, and Dyspraxia, etc.) and they excel in finding niches in agriculture. It’s common to read about troubled youth and people with PTSD who are wildly successful in launching agricultural careers, especially in livestock.
We all know that inflation is affecting so many parts of our lives. How does inflation affect farms? What steps have you taken to keep costs down?
Oh my goodness inflation is such a huge problem for traditional farmers who use chemical inputs and rely on grain, fertilizers, transportation, manure removal, and high levels of pharmacological inputs. Land cost is skyrocketing so it’s hard for the next generation to purchase their own farms. If their family is not ready to turn over the land to the next generation, they need to get out. High interest rates and inflation pressures families financially. Farmers run in longer cycles, investing in seeds or livestock, and not seeing a harvest or payday for a year or more down the road. In the meantime, they have to float the ever-increasing costs associated with that cycle, so initial calculations are always increasing with inflation. I had a friend who spent 18 thousand per year on fertilizer and lime for the last 2 years. This year it cost her 42 thousand dollars! These farmers are getting pinched HARD if they are reliant on chemical inputs, fuel, and medication costs.
My farm is a grassfed operation. We are far more resilient to inflation of costs because our inputs aren’t dependent on buying anything other than diesel, winter hay and feed for our dairy goats. We’ve been able to keep pace with some of our increased costs because demand for our livestock has gone up as well. Sheep and dairy goats have been selling for higher prices for the last two years. We process our own animals for our own freezer, to save money. It’s a struggle but we have it better than others.
Here is the main question of our interview. Can you please share your “5 Things You Need To Create A Successful Career In The Farming and Agriculture Industries”? If you can, please share a story or example for each.
1. Money flow must happen immediately. Establish multiple layers of production from your farm. Diversity is KEY! For example, if you want to have a goat dairy and make cheese, and that is all you work on, you’ll go broke within the first couple years. Develop multiple streams of income from your goats. There are different parts of the same venture. That means figure out a way to sell milk, butter, and goat meat. Sell livestock, write articles about keeping dairy goats, offer farm tours, wedding pictures with goats, backpacking with goats, soapmaking classes, and maybe goat yoga! Learn it, get good at it, and add it to your repertoire. Be CREATIVE! Cheesy or wacky is fine if it sells and you have fun!
2. Know what you’re doing, because ignorance will kill your business. Even if you have the best of intentions, you can’t guess your way into success. Becoming the BEST at that area of production. That means mostly self-study of lingo, process, laws, regulations, profit point, and business concepts. Deep dive and establish yourself as ‘THAT farmer (or FarmHer) who knows that thing! Join associations, local groups, guilds, attend classes, read, read, and read some more. Never EVER stop learning your craft. Be curious and keep notes so that you can refer back to knowledge and connect dots in the future. Your own experience is a HUGE source of knowledge.
3. You will need Mentors, partners, and contacts IN YOUR FARMING COMMUNITY. Establish these. Success can take decades without these unless you have a coach/mentor or can purchase a pre-established farm business. Without the help of others, you don’t even know what you don’t know. The learning curve is steep, and very expensive. Network with the competition, make alliances, diversify your product if you need to so that you don’t compete directly. Lower your competition shield. There are enough customers to go around. Allies and partners are in shorter supply.
4. FOCUS on forward-thinking and sustainable agriculture practices. This is the future of food production on this planet. If you are starting farming by going into high-chemical input row crops expecting to do well, think again. Soil building using carbon-sequestration processes and rotational grazing for pasture raised meats is the way forward. It means multiple species of meat-producing animals on your farm working together, in a concert of production, not just one kind of animal. The future is low input, slower, with nature, and regenerative. Focus on these ways.
5. Marketing and People Skills! Many farmers are lousy at marketing. They have great products and no people skills and that makes them susceptible to limitations and less-than-successful ventures. If you have these skills already you’ll do great after you have your products up and running. If you can’t get to the marketing because you don’t have the time, OUTSOURCE IT. There are lots of pros who have started to help small farmers in marketing foods produced through sustainable means. Marketing, marketing, marketing.
You are a person of significant influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-) Americans have not traditionally eaten sheep and goats here in America. I would love to see this be the future of meat in the USA. These meat animals require very little water. There’s more production per acre at a faster rate, and these animals can thrive on relatively poor forage. I’d like to see people who have never eaten lamb or goat to try it with an open mind, no preconceptions, just curiosity and willingness to embark on a more sustainable meat source here in the USA that the rest of the world has enjoyed for millennia. A female or wethered (castrated) male goat is indistinguishable from beef. (I’ve had mature buck goat and it’s not for me.) Lamb should not be muttony tasting. Try a lamburger or goatburger. Be prepared for it to rock your world. If it doesn’t, please try it again from another source. Or from a farmer directly! Because Americans don’t eat a lot of goat and lamb, a lot of restaurants don’t know how to prepare it either. If you love it, support a local farmer and buy direct from a farmer! How can our readers further follow your work online? Check out to read my blog, listen to podcasts, download articles, access original reference materials, purchase farm products, sign up for my newsletter and more. You can also book me for a conversation, speaking event, and farm business and startup consulting. Eat what you grow, share knowledge, and pay it forward! This was very meaningful, thank you so much, and we wish you only continued success.